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Stuck in Negative Patterns: Ultimate Coach's Playbook

May 21, 20244 min read

“Some of your greatest growth comes after a loss, a setback, a defeat..” - Tommy Montelli

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In episode 14 of Transform Your Future, I had the pleasure of interviewing Tommy Montelli, a dynamic entrepreneur, coach and former athlete who has successfully transitioned from the basketball court to the business world. Our conversation was packed with invaluable insights on how lessons from sports can be applied to every aspect of life. Tommy’s playbook is all about embracing setbacks, maintaining high standards, and leading a life of service. Here are some of the key takeaways from our inspiring discussion. Links to the YOUTUBE version and AUDIO version at bottom of this post.

Setbacks: Your Greatest Teachers

One of the central themes Tommy emphasized was the importance of accepting and learning from setbacks. In both sports and life, defeats and losses are inevitable. Rather than fearing them, Tommy suggests we embrace these moments as opportunities for growth. "Some of your greatest growth comes after a loss, a setback, a defeat," he shared. This mindset shift allows us to turn negative experiences into valuable lessons that propel us forward.

The M.I.S.S. Method: A Daily Routine for Success

Tommy introduced his powerful M.I.S.S. Method, a simple yet effective daily routine designed to build a strong foundation for success:

  1. Move: Physical activity is crucial for both mental and physical health. Whether it’s a morning jog, a gym session, or even a brisk walk, moving your body every day keeps you energized and focused.

  2. Improve: Continuous learning is key to personal and professional growth. Read books, listen to podcasts, watch educational videos—always seek to expand your knowledge and skills.

  3. Serve: Acts of kindness and service to others not only benefit those around you but also enrich your own life. By helping others, you attract positive energy and opportunities.

  4. Silence: Spend time each day in quiet reflection, meditation, or prayer. This practice helps you gain clarity, reduce stress, and stay centered amidst the chaos of daily life.

Tommy’s M.I.S.S. Method is a holistic approach to self-improvement that ensures you’re addressing all aspects of your well-being.

High Standards, No Excuses

In our conversation, Tommy stressed the importance of maintaining high standards and working hard to earn your success. "High standards and hard work outshine participation trophies every time," he said. This principle applies not only in sports but also in business and personal endeavors. By setting and adhering to high standards, you push yourself to achieve more and overcome obstacles.

The Role of Faith

Tommy also highlighted the role of faith in navigating life’s challenges. Whether it’s belief in God, a higher force, or any spiritual guide, having faith provides a source of strength and direction. During tough times, faith can be a comforting North Star that helps you stay grounded and focused on what truly matters.

The Power of Being a Great Person

One of the simplest yet most profound pieces of advice Tommy shared was the importance of being a great person. "Kindness isn’t just nice – it’s essential," he said. Genuine kindness and helpfulness not only make you more likable but also attract opportunities and build strong, positive relationships. Being a great person enhances your own happiness and the happiness of those around you.

Self-Honesty and Health

I, Eddie Isin, also emphasized the importance of self-honesty and health. "If you can't be honest with yourself about who you are and what you're doing, you've got a deeper issue than anyone can help you with," I noted. Additionally, maintaining good health is crucial for sustaining the energy needed to achieve your goals. "Your health is vital. There's no way you can participate and work 12-14 hours a day if you're not in good health."

Inspirational Stories

Tommy shared a touching story about his father, a legendary basketball coach, who visited a dying boy in the hospital after a devastating game loss. This act of kindness and service left a lasting impact on the boy’s family and highlighted the profound influence a leader can have beyond the confines of their primary role. Such stories remind us that true success is measured by the positive impact we have on others.


Tommy Montelli’s insights offer a powerful playbook for overcoming negative patterns and achieving success. By embracing failure, building strong daily routines, keeping faith, staying self-aware, and being kind, you can transform your future. Tommy’s advice is not just about winning in sports or business, but about living a fulfilling, impactful life.

If you missed this episode of Transform Your Future, I highly recommend giving it a listen. Implementing Tommy’s strategies could be the key to unlocking your full potential and breaking free from negative patterns. Remember, you’ve got the playbook – now it’s time to transform your future!

Here is the YOUTUBE video version of Transform Your Future With Eddie Podcast Ep 14.

Here are the links to all audio version of the Transform Your Future With Eddie Podcast Ep 14.

Apple Podcasts Spotify Podcasts

Or go to BUZZSPROUT direct podcast episode page here.

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transform your future, personal growth, Tommy Montelli, M.I.S.S. method, setbacks, high standards, faith, kindness, self-awareness, health, personal development, resilience, entrepreneurship, business success, Eddie Isin, life lessons, sports and business, leadership, motivation, inspiration, mindset, self-improvement, daily routine, personal success, transformational strategies, podcast interview, overcoming adversity, athletic mindset, success habits, growth mindset, winning attitude
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