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Battling Chronic Pain? Discover the Secret to Pain Relief Through Energy Work

July 09, 20247 min read

"Generally what happens with trauma injury illness is that something has happened in our lives that has left a vibrational frequency that gets trapped in us, and that becomes an energy block." - Gabrielle Pimstone

Battling Chronic Pain? Discover the Secret to Pain Relief Through Energy Work

Hi, Eddie Isin here, and today I want to share some incredible insights I gained from my interview (TYF 23) with Gabrielle Pimstone, an expert in energy healing. You can listen to Episode 23 of Transform Your Future by using the links at the bottom of this page.  Chronic pain is a significant issue that affects millions of people worldwide, including myself. In my quest for effective pain relief, I’ve explored various methods, but my conversation with Gabrielle opened my eyes to the transformative potential of energy work. If you’re battling chronic pain (or pain from traumatic experiences) and looking for ways to reinvent your approach to personal growth, identity, and energy healing, this article is for you.

Understanding Energy Healing

During our interview, Gabrielle shared her journey from traditional psychology to energy healing. “Everything is energy, Eddie,” she explained. “Our thoughts, our beliefs, our behaviors—all have an energetic frequency.” This concept was fascinating to me because it highlighted how interconnected our physical and emotional states are with our energetic body.

Gabrielle’s background in organizational psychology provided her with a deep understanding of human behavior and response to change. Gabrielle a Master Healer and Coach specializes in the human response to transition, transformation, and healing. Focusing on what happens to people during these periods and how can we get over the common hurdles.


Reiki: A Gentle Approach to Pain Relief

One of the key techniques Gabrielle uses is Reiki, a form of energy healing where the practitioner channels energy into the patient’s body to balance their energy fields. This process can help reduce stress and anxiety, which are often exacerbators of chronic pain. Gabrielle shared a powerful insight: “When I started studying energy, I realized that instead of talking your way into insight, we can release the energy left over from our trauma.”

I was intrigued by this because, like many others, I’ve tried various methods to manage chronic pain, from medication to physical therapy. But the idea of addressing pain through energy work was something new. Gabrielle explained, “Reiki works by balancing the body’s energy fields, which can help reduce stress and anxiety—two major contributors to chronic pain.”

Acupuncture: Restoring the Flow of Energy

We also discussed acupuncture, an ancient practice from Chinese medicine. By inserting fine needles into specific points on the body, acupuncture aims to restore the flow of Qi (energy) and alleviate pain. “Acupuncture is incredibly effective for pain relief,” Gabrielle noted. “It enhances blood circulation and reduces inflammation, key factors in managing chronic pain.”

I’ve always been curious about acupuncture but never took the plunge. Hearing Gabrielle’s explanation made me consider it seriously. She mentioned, “The needles used in acupuncture target specific meridian points to balance the energy flow, promoting natural healing and pain relief.”

Chakra Balancing: Addressing Energy Blockages

Chakra balancing is another method Gabrielle uses to help her clients. The human body has seven chakras, or energy centers, each responsible for different aspects of our physical and emotional health. “When energy is blocked in one of these chakras, it can manifest as physical pain or emotional distress,” she explained. By balancing these chakras, Gabrielle helps her clients achieve a state of harmony and relief from chronic pain.

Gabrielle elaborated, “Each chakra represents a different part of our holistic well-being. For instance, the root chakra is associated with physical grounding and stability, while the heart chakra is connected to love and compassion. When energy is blocked, it disrupts this balance, leading to pain and discomfort.”

Practical Takeaways

From our conversation, I learned several practical techniques to manage and reduce chronic pain through energy work:

  1. Daily Check-ins: Gabrielle suggested using an hourly chime app to remind yourself to check in on your energy levels. “Ask yourself if you’re feeling open or closed, heavy or light. It’s a simple yet powerful way to stay in tune with your body,” she said.

  2. Mindful Language: The words we use can impact our energy. “Pay attention to your language,” Gabrielle advised. “Saying ‘I’m exhausted’ repeatedly can reinforce that state. Instead, use empowering language that supports your well-being.”

  3. Gratitude Practice: Gabrielle emphasized the importance of gratitude in maintaining high vibrational energy. “Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your energetic state. It opens the door to other positive emotions like joy and generosity.”

  4. Spending Time in Nature: “Nature has incredibly healing properties,” Gabrielle noted. “Whether it’s taking a walk in the park, standing under the sun, or spending time near water, these activities can rejuvenate your energy and reduce stress.”

My Personal Commitment

Inspired by Gabrielle’s insights, I’ve committed to integrating these practices into my daily routine. For the next 21 days, I’ll be documenting my dreams, practicing mindful language, and doing daily energy check-ins. I’m excited to see how these changes impact my chronic pain and overall well-being.

Gabrielle also taught me about the importance of dreams in healing. “Our subconscious mind holds a wealth of information that we can access through our dreams,” she explained. “By intentionally working with your dreams, you can uncover insights and heal unresolved issues.”

Dreams and Healing

Gabrielle provided a simple practice to start working with dreams: “Before bed, get into a relaxed state and ask your dream a question, like ‘Why am I experiencing this pain?’ When you wake up, jot down anything you remember, even if it’s just feelings or snippets of the dream.”

She emphasized the importance of consistency. “Do this for seven to twenty-one days, and you’ll start noticing patterns and gaining insights that can aid in your healing process.”

Integrative Medicine and Energy Healing

One of the most profound insights from our conversation was the concept of integrative medicine. “There’s a very big connection between the mind and the body,” Gabrielle said. “Mindfulness is now part of therapy, and many hospitals are incorporating alternative therapies like Reiki and acupuncture.”

Gabrielle’s approach is holistic, combining traditional medical practices with energy healing. “I don’t see energy healing as a replacement for Western medicine but as a complementary approach,” she explained. “By raising our vibrational frequency, we can enhance our resilience and strength to deal with physical and emotional challenges.”

Addressing Limiting Beliefs

A significant part of Gabrielle’s work involves identifying and addressing limiting beliefs that contribute to chronic pain. “These beliefs often stem from childhood or even transgenerational trauma,” she said. “For example, if you grew up with financial instability, you might develop a belief that money isn’t safe, which can manifest as physical pain.”

Gabrielle shared techniques for uncovering and transforming these beliefs: “Start by becoming aware of your thoughts and patterns. Ask yourself where these beliefs come from and how they serve you. Then, consciously replace them with empowering beliefs.”

Energy Blocks and Chronic Pain

“Energy blocks are like invisible handbrakes that keep you stuck in cycles of pain,” Gabrielle explained. “They start in our energetic body and, if left unresolved, can manifest physically.” She emphasized the importance of clearing these blocks to achieve lasting pain relief.

Gabrielle’s methods include techniques like chakra balancing and sacred geometry, but she also provided simple practices that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. “Regularly check in with your energy, practice gratitude, and spend time in nature to maintain a high vibrational frequency,” she advised.

My Journey with Energy Healing

As I embark on this journey, I’m committed to sharing my experiences with you. Chronic pain is a complex issue, and finding the right combination of treatments can be challenging. However, Gabrielle’s insights have given me hope and a new perspective on pain relief.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be documenting my progress and sharing updates on my podcast, Transform Your Future. If you’re battling chronic pain, I encourage you to explore the potential of energy healing. Gabrielle’s approach offers a holistic way to address the root causes of pain and achieve lasting relief.


In conclusion, my interview with Gabrielle Pimstone was a revelation. Her expertise in energy healing has provided me with valuable insights and practical tools to manage chronic pain. By integrating these practices into my life, I’m hopeful for a future with less pain and more joy.

For those of you struggling with chronic pain, I invite you to join me on this journey. Tune in to my podcast, Transform Your Future, for more insights and updates. Remember, healing is possible when we align our energy with our intentions.


Gabrielle Pimstone 28-days to healing energy immersion program.

Not mentioned in the PODCAST but I am currently reading - Healing Back Pain: The Body Mind Connection.

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Episode 23 Video version of podcast below

Chronic PainPin ReliefEnergy HealingRekiAccupunctureChakra BalancingAlternative Medicinestress reductionenergy managementmindfulnessvibrational frequencynatural pain reliefhealing traumaspiritual healingwellness journey
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